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With over 15 years experience coordinating aciton on over 400 productions Ronin brings a wealth of knowledge and creative flair to action design.


​Features include The Intent 2 (Best Action Film - National Film Awards), Olive Green (Best Action & Adventure Film - US International Film & Video Festival), Once Upon a Time in London, The Powder Room and Gangs of Tooting Broadway.


TV credits include work for the BBC, National Geographic and commercials for Nike, Domino's, B&Q, Heineken, Bodens and McCoys.


Ronin's theatre and opera work has taken him to many international destinations including the Ukraine, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands with UK producitons including Usagi Yojimbo (Best Choreography nomination, Off West End).


​​Ronin creates dramatic action that is:


  • Safe for cast and crew

  • Suitable to the ability of the participants involved

  • Achievable within the available time frame

  • Complimentary to the characters, style and genre

  • Technically appropriate for the medium it is being performed in

  • Visually exciting - using rhythm, timing and choreography

  • Able to tell a story and aid in character progression




Other credits include Sega's BAFTA winning Total War series (Attila, Battles, Empire, Napoleon, Rome II, Shogun II, Three Kingdoms, Thrones of Britiannia and Troy), Playstation's Erica, Kill Zone Mercenary and work for Red Giant. Check out the Motion Capture Page for more informationa and video footage.

From pre to post-produciton Ronin can assist with:


  • Script analysis

  • Costing and budget breakdowns

  • Casting services for actors and fight performers

  • Weapon and gun hire

  • Cast / talent fight training

  • Action direction and fight choreography

  • Knowledge of martial arts and historical fighting styles

  • Armourers and specialist crew

  • Health and safety expertise

Action  Coordinator, Fight Direction, Stunt Coordination, Stage Combat, Screen Combat. © 2021 Ronin Traynor

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