Christopher Dane gets ready to fight as Karn. Photo: Laura Radford.

Elliot Cowen working on the duel

Oona Chaplin, Sheridan Smith and Kate Nash before the action

Helen Skelton trains to be a musketeer under instruction from Ronin.

Ronin Traynor with director Nihat Seven as Clare-Hope Ashitey and Jake Curran prepare for their fight scene.

After fighting Scott Adkins - he won!

Ronin fighting with Selina Lo.

Ronin on set with some of the fight team: Dan Styles and Daniel Tyler-Smith.

Nicole O'Neill as Marion about to ensure Athos gets her point. Photo: Martin Diver.

Gary Stoner as Othello in polite conversation with David Martin as Iago. Photo: George Ridell.

Ronin at the launch of the Errol Flynn cinema which he choreographed the fights for.

Ronin taking time out of co-ordinating the action to play Hemlock.